
Garden inspiration


What Vegetables to Plant in January

What Vegetables to Plant in January

The vegetables you can plant in January depend on your specific climate and growing conditions. January is typically a lot cooler so you’ll be looking at cold-hardy vegetables that can withstand colder temperatures.

As we roll out of Christmas, we might be setting some goals to become healthier or live a more sustainable lifestyle. Cultivating your vegetables can be a great way for you to appreciate the natural world and engaging in the growing process helps you understand the effort and care that goes into producing your food, creating a connection to the environment. Growing vegetables is a hands-on learning experience that can be both therapeutic and educational.


January Planting Ensures more Organic Produce

Growing your vegetables this January ensures that you have access to fresh, organic produce all year round. You have control over the soil, fertilisers, and pesticides used, allowing you to enjoy nutrient-rich, chemical-free vegetables. Growing your own veg there is an initial investment in seeds, soil, and gardening tools, but growing your vegetables can save you money in the long run. The continuous harvest from your garden provides a sustainable source of fresh produce. January can still provide lots of veggies for you to harvest and enjoy like parsnips, turnips, leaks, and sprouts.


Some Examples of Vegetables to Plant in January

Leafy Greens:

Leafy greens are a staple for winter gardening and perfect for January gardens. They not only add colour to your garden but also provide a nutrient-rich addition to your meals. Some options that you might want to consider planting are Lettuce as varieties like Winter Density or Arctic King are excellent choices for colder climates. Spinach and Kale are hardy and resilient, kale varieties like Winterbor or Red Russian are ideal for winter cultivation.

Root Vegetables:

Root vegetables are well-suited for winter planting as their flavours often intensify in the cold. Try your hand at growing Carrots, Radishes and Beets which have Cold-resistant varieties like Avalanche or Winterkeeper which are perfect for winter gardening.


Brassicas, including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and collard greens, thrive in the winter chill. These nutrient-dense vegetables are not only delicious but also offer a range of health benefits as well.


The allium family, which includes onions, shallots, and garlic, can be planted in January. These aromatic vegetables add depth and flavour to a variety of dishes. Plant onion sets, shallot bulbs, and garlic cloves, ensuring they have enough time to establish roots before spring.


Don’t forget to include herbs in your winter garden. While some may be perennial, others can be sown or transplanted in January. Although they don’t put on any growth, you can harvest evergreen herbs such as thyme, bay, rosemary and sage all through the winter months.

Before planting, check your local climate and weather conditions, as well as the specific requirements for each vegetable. Some may need protection from frost, while others can tolerate colder temperatures. Consider using row covers or cold frames to create a more favourable climate for your veggies.

Winter gardening in January doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right selection of vegetables and a bit of planning, you can enjoy fresh, homegrown produce even during the coldest months. Experiment with different varieties that suit your climate, and soon you’ll be reaping the rewards of your winter gardening efforts.

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