Of all the months, April is the one in which the garden changes most dramatically. Things suddenly begin to look green and vibrant and the warmer days and lighter evenings gladden the heart of every gardener. So, it’s time to shake off the winter blues and get stuck into the shrubbery. This is the busiest month of the gardening year – make the most of it!
The sound of a whirring lawnmower once signified the start of spring but because of the mild weather we’ve experienced this winter, you may well have started cutting your grass already. For now, while the grass is young, keep the blades raised quite high. Lower the blades later on this month as the growth quickens. Always try to cut when the grass is reasonably dry.
Now is the time to do some work on the lawn after the winter damage. The first thing to do is rake it vigorously with a spring tine lawn rake. Leaving winter debris on your lawn will make it difficult for the young grass shoots to emerge. Once it has been raked, give the lawn a dressing with a special spring food, available in garden centres now.
Getting the garden ready for summer should include giving attention to the patio. Regular sweeping is key to keeping the patio looking tidy. Dirt and slime can build up on a patio over time. Weeds growing between the stones can be removed with a knife, or use a specialist weed-killing product to stop them coming back. Using a high-pressure washer is the easiest way of spring-cleaning the patio. If you don’t want to invest in a pressure washer, try a proprietary stone-cleaning product. Alternatively, the most economical and environmentally friendly method of cleaning slabs is to use a solution of detergent, warm water and some thorough scrubbing.