For All Generations

In keeping with the rural setting and full of scented plants.

After a long, dry summer, the grass in this garden was brown and parched and most of the plants had died before the owners took possession. We set about creating a design that was in keeping with the rural setting of the property and full of scented planting. A keen plants-woman, our client had a very clear vision for how her garden should look. She knew that she wanted a natural, ‘cottage’ style garden, with roses being a particular favourite. Above all, this is a family garden, for all generations to enjoy.



The plans for the garden included re-designing the front and back spaces. We divided the garden into different sections, with space for growing vegetables in raised beds and a special area for the children’s play equipment. The plants were chosen to give several seasons of interest and colours were combined to give an overall harmonious effect.
Scented planting was incorporated into the design, especially in the seating areas. New trees were planted to give different heights and shady areas. The existing pine trees in the front garden were underplanted with a cheerful display of wild flowers, with a grass path mown through to a secluded seating area.

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