Spring Flowering Trees UK

Top Ten Early Spring Flowering Trees UK Gardens

There are a bewildering number of  spring flowering trees uk garden owners can choose from.

As we navigate our unpredictable spring weather, one thing we can count on to announce the arrival of longer, warmer days is the glorious, blooming of spring-flowering trees. Just as we think winter will never end, these botanical extroverts explode into colour turning our gardens into breathtaking displays of delicately, subtle pink and white blossom.

Below are a list of reliable favourites. But, before you delve in to choose, bear in mind the eventual height and spread of your tree before it becomes an unwelcome intruder! Scroll down to the end of the article for advice on how to choose the right tree for your garden.

Cherry TreesSpring flowering trees uk

The celebrated divas of the tree world have got to be cherry blossom trees, with their frothy pink and white flowers, they really know how to make an entrance. Ornamental cherry trees are grown for their flowers rather than their fruit and most are cultivars of the Japanese cherry tree, Prunus cerasus (sakura tree.) The Japanese tradition of celebrating spring to view cherry blossom trees is catching on, with Instagrammers recording their first sighting of cherry blossom. But sadly their beauty can be fleeting, often gone with the first strong wind of spring.

Some would argue that cherry trees produce the most beautiful blossom of all trees in around mid-April in the UK. The genus is ‘Prunus’ with some of the most popular for gardens being the Japanese varieties, eg. Prunus ‘Kojo-no-mai’ perfect for a small garden.

 Blackthorn TreesBlackthorn

Prunus spinosa, which produces sloes in autumn can be used for making sloe gin. It’s popular as a hedging plant ( it’s thorns are a deterrent!) much prettier than a fence  and perfect to attract birds for nesting. The common name is witches hazel because it is said that witches used to us the branches for making wands! It usually flowers before hawthorn. 

Hawthorn TreesSpring Flowering Trees UK

What tree flowers in May?

Known affectionately as the May Tree, hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna is a blossom you’ll see often see growing in countryside hedges. If you’re looking for a  tree that’s good for wildlife, won’t demand too much attention, this is one to consider. The flowers are usually small, white and very abundant, but if you want a more colour, Crataegus laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’ is a small-medium variety that produces very attractive double red flowers. All hawthorns are perfect as standalone feature trees, but beware of the old superstition – bringing them indoors is supposed to bring bad luck.

Crataegus monogyna is also known as quickthorn and hawthorn. It is native to the UK and makes a perfect hedge with thorny branches. In the spring, hawthorns produce masses of creamy white, fragranced flowers, followed by shiny, red haws in the autumn – a wonderful shelter for wildlife, much prettier than a fence!

Pear treesSpring Flowering Trees UK

Pyrus usually flower in mid-March in the UK. There are various types but the ornamental pear  ‘chanticleer’ is a popular specimen tree for a small garden, with its gorgeous white blossom. The Common Pear Pyrus communis is native to Europe and is too large for most gardens.There are thousands of cultivated varieties such as ‘Conference’ which produce good fruit.

Plum and damson treesPrunus

Prunus domestica are a good choice for a medium sized garden. The fruit in autumn is an added bonus. The early blossom of damsons is a real bonus for bees emerging to seek food after a long winter.

Crab apples treesSpring Flowering Trees UK

Malus sylvestris  is a perfect tree for a small garden. In spring, they produce clouds of blossom, very attractive to pollinators and in autumn the fruits and foliage provide rich autumnal colour and food for birds. One of my favourites, that I would recommend to anyone who wants to attract birds into a small garden is Malus × robusta ‘Red Sentinel’ 

 Apricot treesApricot

Moorpark is the most commonly grown apricot in the UK, but is only reliable in milder areas, a late frost can catch the blossom and ruin the crop.

Wild Cherry spring flowering trees uk

What are the earliest blooming trees in the UK?

The first tree to emerge from its winter slumber is usually the cherry plum, Prunus cerasifera, also known as the Myrobalan plum. Not to be confused with the blackthorn which has almost identical flowers but appear about four weeks later, the cherry plum is a small tree, perfect for attracting wildlife into a garden. This is the tree that you will often see growing wild as part of a mixed hedgerow so it’s tough and very easy to grow. There’s no need to plant another tree for pollination and the fruits are so sweet they can be eaten raw, as well as in jams.

Prunus avium, the wild cherry,  produces beautiful blossom and a bounty of bright red fruits adored by birds. It is one of the prettiest native trees in the UK and widely grown in gardens, but you do need to have space for this one, it can reach a spread of 8 meters and a height of over 12 meters. 

Apple Treesspring flowering tree uk

You can find an apple trees(malus) for almost any size or shape of garden. If space is at a premium you can train them into fan, espaliers for a wall or fence or even grow step-over apple trees for a tiny space.  If I only had one tree to choose an apple would be it. Great for bees in spring, reliable fruit in autumn, there’s a variety for every garden… or orchard!

Which trees bloom earliest in spring?

For really early interest in your garden plant witch hazel (Hamamelis) it not only gives precious early colour but smells divine. For other ideas on what trees to plant in your garden, visit our blog about trees here.

Winter flowers for your garden


For more ideas on trees for your garden we find Barcham Trees really useful.


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