
Garden inspiration


Sheena’s Plant of the Month for January: Honeysuckle

Shrubs that are flowering at the moment include one of my favourites, the winter honeysuckle (Lonicera fragrantissima and L. x purpusii), which fills the air with wonderful scent. I made a mistake when I planted mine right at the end of the garden a couple of years ago… it really needs to be nearer the door to be fully appreciated. However, they make good cut plants and I bring stems into the house.

Most winter flowering plants, although flowers are small, have very good scent in order to attract the few insects that are around. Others to try include Daphne mezereum, Viburnum farreri, V. x bodnantense, Mahonia japonica and M. ‘Charity’. Avoid my mistake and place them somewhere that you will walk past frequently. Showy but lacking in scent are winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum), Viburnum tinus and Garrya elliptica with its long grey catkins and evergreen leaves. ‘James Roof’ is the best variety, if you can get it.

white flowers and green leaves

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