Sheena’s Plant of the Month: Choisya ‘Aztec Pearl’

This fairly common plant is seen frequently for a reason. It’s not at all fussy, the glossy leaves are evergreen, its citrus-scented, pinky-white flowers persist for weeks sometimes repeating in late summer, and it makes a neat mound up to 2.5m each way. It can be kept smaller with careful pruning after flowering. Because of all these qualities, Choisya makes a great informal hedge or screen, but if you prefer it as a shrub, you could wreathe it with the pink, spring-flowering Clematis Alpine ‘Pink Flamingo’ or underplant it with the sky-blue Omphalodes cappadocica ‘Cherry Ingram’.

‘Aztec Pearl’ can be grown anywhere from full sun to shade, although flowering will be less generous in a gloomy spot and it won’t turn up its toes in a drought, provided you water it until established. See, I told you it was unfussy.

The only drawback is that it may suffer damage in hard frosts or fierce winds, so give it a sheltered spot to perform at its best. If it does suffer from winter damage, simply cut out the affected stems in spring. Apart from that, this obliging shrub needs little attention – a perfect plant.


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