Large, traditional gardens

Designing large English country & traditional gardens

Having a large garden gives you the opportunity to let your imagination run wild – but it also brings with it the problem of keeping it looking good all year. The larger the garden, the more work it will need, and a more informal plan might be a practical solution for a garden that looks great but is relatively easy to maintain.

The traditional English country garden is a riot of colour, an organic space that gives the impression that it planted itself. While it can take some initial planning to create this illusion, it will be less work in the long run than, for example, a more formal garden that requires constant weeding and pruning. When we design large gardens we use the same principles as we would for small, it’s just a question of scale.

Top tips for a large, traditional garden

The traditional English country garden has its origins in the gardens of 15th century England, when families used every inch of space for homegrown fruit and vegetables, and planted flowers to ensure there were enough bees to pollinate the fruit blossoms. Today’s families may not be reliant on home produce, but traditional gardens still pack texture, scent and colour into every corner.

Architectural Look

When planning a traditional English country garden, your aim is to avoid giving it a structured or “architectural” look. Instead, the garden’s sweeping lawns and lush colour should look like Mother Nature working at her best. That doesn’t mean you can’t include some more formal features – topiary and trimmed boxwood hedges are an effective way to divide the garden into sections without looking too linear.

Complementary Materials

Choose materials for your garden that complement the house – similarly coloured brick or stone will help the garden feel like a natural extension of your home. Stepping stones or gravel paths can meander across a lawn or through flowerbeds, allowing time to stop and appreciate the display. Let plants overgrow and spill onto the paths; it’s even better if they leave a trace of scent on the ankles of passing visitors.



Lawns are often the easiest way to fill the space in a larger garden but avoid straight lines; a shaped lawn with flowers spilling onto it is very attractive, or separate the lawn from the beds with low hedges. If you have the space, longer grass or a wildflower meadow will attract wildlife to your garden and is very pretty in itself.

Create A Base

Create a base for the garden with flowering shrubs and herbaceous perennials, which will quickly make themselves at home and grow bigger and better every year! A combination of spring blossom, summer flowers, stunning autumn foliage and winter berries will also provide interest all year round. Traditional plants like roses, hollyhocks, foxgloves, nasturtiums and poppies will return year after year and are also very attractive to bees, who will delight in buzzing their way through the flowers in summer. By filling in the gaps with annuals and bedding plants, you can change the overall look of the garden whenever you want, whilst maintaining that traditional feel.

Use Climbers

A rose-covered trellis is a common sight in a traditional English country garden – who hasn’t dreamt of living in a cottage with roses around the door? But don’t restrict climbing plants to the walls of the house. Climbers like wisteria, clematis, ivy and Virginia creeper all look amazing against a brick wall or provide cover for more unsightly wooden fences. A flower-covered pergola is the perfect way to break up a longer path or to lead the way to a hidden bench tucked away in a secluded corner of the garden.


Vegetables can be grown in their own kitchen garden or even planted in amongst the flowers. Many varieties, such as red cabbage, artichoke and chard, have a beauty of their own and their colours and textures will complement a colourful bed. Onion, garlic and leek are all part of the allium family and will grow attractive flowers if left long enough, and herbs are also pretty plants that will work well amongst the flowers.

Room To Experiment

Even in a traditional garden there’s room for experimentation. While the majority of the plants should be native species, incorporating varieties like pampas grass, red hot pokers or even succulents into the design adds an element of surprise. A touch of whimsy will also work well here –a pole-mounted birdhouse towering over the flowers, a bird bath tucked away amid the roses or a water fountain will never look out of place.

Create A Peaceful Spot

Finally, every garden needs a peaceful spot where you can sit and read on a summer afternoon, or entertain friends. Look for furniture in wrought iron, teak or other materials that complement the natural atmosphere of your English country garden.

Large Traditional garden projects