The Best Tree to Plant in Your Garden

garden with wooden table and chairs

What is the Best Tree to Plant in Your Garden? Trees of course are vital to our environment, put simply, they promote life, but, the best tree to plant in your garden will depend on a variety of factors. Planting a tree is a symbol of hope and belief in the future. Mundane as it […]

Wildlife Gardening Ideas

pigeon and rabbit

Easy Wildlife Gardening Ideas for your own Garden In 2023 we created a garden at RHS Malvern dedicated to giving the thousands of visitors to the Spring show simple wildlife garden ideas. Our ‘Wilder Spaces Garden’  won a coveted Gold Award, in addition to Best in Show, Best Construction and the People’s Choice Award, earning national […]

How to Create a Wildflower Meadow


How to create a wildflower meadow in the garden? How to create a wildflower meadow is a question I’m often asked, very happy to answer and indeed encourage! Small things in a garden can have a big impact and there is a growing awareness that by deliberately leaving an area to grow more freely is […]

Oxford Botanic Gardens Visit

large archway

During this wet summer, you might be wondering how best to enjoy your garden during those rare sunny days. The Oxford Botanic Gardens are a fantastic place to visit year-round, offering new things to see and learn with each visit. It’s an excellent source of inspiration for your garden, no matter the season.   A […]

Summer Lawn Care Tips


Continue to mow grass regularly during this month to encourage good growth Regular mowing is the best way to ensure your garden has a good lawn. Once a week is fine but for a really good lawn twice a week. During dry weather raise the blades of the mower and mow less frequently. The grass is […]

Summer Garden Maintenance Tips

butterfly on flower

Gardens are now reaching their peak, full of colour and scent from flowers such as roses and sweet peas. Gardening can take a more leisurely pace now. It really is the time of year to enjoy your garden, appreciate the flowers and watch the abundance of resident wildlife. Make sure the birds have enough water […]

Summer Hedge Pruning Advice

woman trimming hedge

Complete summer pruning of wisteria this month. Prune all the long new whippy growth back to five or six buds from the main stem. This encourages the plant to produce flower buds. If you have a young plant and want to extend the framework, leave the side shoots on but tie them in to where […]

Lawn and Hedge Care

lawn sprinkler

Continue to mow grass regularly during this month to encourage good growth. Mowing is the best way to ensure you have a good lawn. Once a week is fine but for a really good lawn, mow it twice a week. During dry weather raise the blades of the mower and mow less often. The grass […]

Jobs for the July Garden


Midsummer, and the garden is awash with colour. There is always plenty of work to be done, but make the most of the long summer evenings, relax and enjoy the fruits of your labours earlier in the year. At this time of year gardens are not only full of colour, but the scent of flowers […]

Jobs to Do in Your Garden in June


Summer is really here! Ornamental borders will soon be at their best when towards the end of the month scented roses begin to flower in earnest. There is plenty to do in the garden to keep you occupied, such as cutting back and mowing, but it’s a time of year to really sit back and […]