Gardening in March

Jobs to do for Gardening in March The first month of spring has arrived at last and there is lots of gardening in March to be done! The clocks going forward will give us gardeners and extra hour to get things done in the evening after work. And it’s needed because there’s a lot to […]
February Gardening Jobs

Essential February Gardening Jobs Now that the first harbingers of spring are in flower and there’s an appreciable difference in the daylight hours, there is a feeling of hope in the air, it’s time to start some February gardening jobs and enjoy the flowers! The sight of snowdrops, aconites, crocus, hellebores, violets, primroses and catkins […]
January Gardening Jobs

Essential January Gardening Jobs Even though this is the coldest time of year and the garden in January may look asleep, this is a month for optimism and there are lots of January gardening jobs to do. By the end of the January pearly white snowdrops and golden winter aconites will appear, making a perfect […]
Jobs for the May Garden

This is the best month to sow or repair a new lawn from seed before the soil becomes too dry. Preparation is the key to a good lawn – it’s much easier to fix soil problems before you’ve got your new lawn in place. Clearing the area by removing any large stones, weeds or other […]
Winter Gardening Tips

Any sunshine this month will be weak, but if you feel like venturing into the garden, wrap up well and there are always jobs to be getting on with! Now’s your chance to catch up with any repairs or maintenance jobs that have been piling up over the year and you can make the most […]
Tips for Growing Snowdrops in your Garden

February is probably the grimmest month in the gardening calendar, with low temperatures and flowers being in scarce supply. However, there is hope in the air. For many of us, the first sign of spring and the promise of milder weather just around the corner is the sight of a clump of brave snowdrops poking […]
Summer Lawn Care Tips

Continue to mow grass regularly during this month to encourage good growth Regular mowing is the best way to ensure your garden has a good lawn. Once a week is fine but for a really good lawn twice a week. During dry weather raise the blades of the mower and mow less frequently. The grass is […]
Spring Pruning Tips

Keep your garden looking gorgeous this Spring with these pruning tips Rose Pruning March is the best time of year to prune bush and shrub roses (not climbers or ramblers, which should have been done in the autumn.) Remove all winter damage and don’t worry about pruning bush roses hard; it will help them produce […]
Spring Shrub and Tree Care Tips

Prune spring-flowering shrubs once they have finished flowering. Examples are things like Kerria Japonica, Forsythia, and Spirea. Also, if you have one, prune the glorious Clematis Montana after it has flowered. This beauty is a very fast-growing climber that can easily get out of hand unless pruned hard every year. It’s a good choice of […]
Summer Garden Maintenance Tips

Gardens are now reaching their peak, full of colour and scent from flowers such as roses and sweet peas. Gardening can take a more leisurely pace now. It really is the time of year to enjoy your garden, appreciate the flowers and watch the abundance of resident wildlife. Make sure the birds have enough water […]